How I Help
Choosing functional medicine is choosing an integrated and comprehensive approach in your path to optimal health. Typically, conventional medicine treats what’s above the surface — symptoms and disease — functional medicine also addresses what’s below the surface, the root cause.
Brianan Dolan
Functional Medicine Practitioner, Nutritionist and Naturopath

Heart disease prevention
Heart disease is sadly, still the biggest killer of both men and women. The heart is a hard working organ that does not ‘shout loudly’ when a problem begins. The warning signs can be subtle and are often dismissed as part of a busy life.
There is a lot of confusing information out there around Cholesterol, Statins, and what lifestyle changes need to be made for a healthy heart. It’s so important to know your numbers, blood pressure, triglycerides, homocysteine, and know what they mean for you.
If you would like to demystify the path to prevention and treatment, please consider booking a call in confidence here.

Long COVID recovery
Unfortunately this condition keeps you feeling sick and tired, it impacts your family life, social life and your career. It’s frustrating for Long COVID sufferers when the illness drags on and on when others seem to bounce back.
My approach to Long COVID treatment is to understand the root causes so that we can map out optimal treatment for the individual. Step one is always a deep dive appointment using the Functional Medicine Model.
If you’re ready to take a holistic approach to your recovery from Long COVID, let’s start a conversation. Book a discovery call here.

Resolving Constant fatigue
Are you tired of feeling tired, and frustrated that no amount of sleep seems to be enough? Are you constantly craving sugar and snacks but still feel hungry and low on energy? Do you struggle to lose weight and keep it off? And feel that it’s impossible to exercise because your body battery is constantly low?
You are definitely not alone. Many people assume that fatigue and cravings are normal and dismiss these signals as part of life regardless of age. But it’s not normal. There is an underlying reason why you’re feeling like this and it needs to be investigated further.
Let’s talk about how functional medicine can help you get your joie de vivre back. Tap here to book a free discovery call with me.

Balancing Hormones
Do you suspect that your hormones have shifted out of balance? If you’re dealing with insomnia, anxiety, brain fog, weight gain, or inflammation, it’s possible that your hormones are the culprit. But before grabbing a quick fix solution from “Dr. Google”, let’s explore the root cause.
And it’s not just women that are effected by pesky hormones. Men have their fair share of hormonal symptoms too – erectile dysfunction, man boobs, hair loss, and belly fat.
I specialise in helping people restore balance and regain optimal health with personalised treatment plans.
Let’s talk about it together on a free discovery call.
Get the Change you Seek
Restoration not just Relief
What is a “comprehensive Approach”?
The Institute of Functional Medicine uses a tree analogy to describe functional medicine. Typically, conventional medicine treats what’s above the surface — symptoms and disease — functional medicine also addresses what’s below the surface, the root of the disease.

Medical Nutrition

Sleep & Stress Management

Exercise and Activity

Environment & Lifestyle
Your Body is Like a House
Addressing Your Health from “Ground to Sky”
The house is only as stable as the ground it’s built upon. The structure is only as strong as what it’s built with and how it holds up under external pressure. Often our body’s negative symptoms are a response to what it’s been exposed to as well as missing “maintenance” of all of the pieces from the foundation, to the plumbing, to the walls, the roof and even our “heating and air thermostat” systems. Functional medicine addresses the “whole house”, the “whole you” for wholeness and wellness.

What’s Included?
Package Components

Full History Intake
Gathering all of the pertinent details of your story and historical timeline is crucial to identifying patterns and discovering cause of your symptoms.

Diagnostic Testing
Functional medicine tests will be performed based on your case and areas that need more information. Normally, we’ll do 3-4 or more tests. Further testing may be required throughout the 6 month+ program.

In-Depth Investigation + Analysis
Compiling all of the “evidence”, all of the clues are used to piece together the cause of your symptoms and inform your targeted treatment plan.

Targeted Holistic Treatment Plan
Based on what has been discovered, a personalized and targeted treatment plan will be designed and implemented.

One-On-One Consults
As the action plan is implemented, we will work together to review response and make all adjustments needed to continue moving toward healing.

Treatment plans include needed supplemental vitamins, minerals, and herbs in addition to standard medication. Initial supplement protocol is included.
Your permanent healing requires a longterm commitment to your health. Clients who commit to regular and consistent appointments over several months see the best outcomes and make the most progress.
What to Expect
5 Step Process
As you prepare to take the next step, it’s helpful to know what to expect.
Step 1
Before we decide to work together, it’s important that we talk. You’ll have the opportunity to ask any leftover questions you may have and I will get a clear idea of your readiness and whether I would be the best fit for you.
Step 2
Our first few appointments will be heavy on the research, the testing, and the discovery. We will take an extensive look into all of the areas and pieces that could be
contributing to your pain or illness.
Step 3
After turning over every rock, we will create a personalized plan that will address your
body’s needs from a holistic perspective. It will be a targeted approach based on the findings of the history intake and testing.
Step 4
This is the part when you’ll put the plan into action. The beginning stages of implementation can be the most challenging so it’s important we meet frequently for accountability, support
and help adjusting the plan to suit your needs.
Step 5
It doesn’t end when the plan is given. That’s where is really begins. From there, we’ll need follow up sessions to adjust the plan and review the results as you progress.
Are you Ready?
Willing to Put in the Work?
I’m ready to commit my time and be fully dedicated to your healing journey, but are you? I can only help as much as you’re willing to put in the work. I can’t do it for you, but I will absolutely do this with you. So ask yourself these questions:
Are you willing to commit to 3 months or more?
Are you willing to show up weekly for consults?
Are you willing to make diet and lifestyle changes?
Are you willing to change and break habits?
If you are, please contact me for a discovery call.
Here to Help
Frequently Asked Questions
Have you worked with other people who have my disease?
Not necessarily, however I will be supporting you the patient not the disease. I also work as a Functional Medicine Practitioner and work within that paradigm
Why do you recommend 3-6 month programmes, can’t I just make an appointment every 4-6 weeks?
It takes time to see results when working with chronic health conditions, such as Lyme disease, autoimmune illnesses or gut issues.
Committing to a long term programme gives you the opportunity to focus on improving your health, with the support you need. During the first 3-months you will be able to have regular support calls, and after that we will discuss the level of support you need. Speaking regularly means that you can ask questions when you have them and we can adjust the programme as we go.
How long will it take me to get better?
How much improvement can I expect after 3-months?
Realistically, we would expect to see a 50% improvement. However, if you have been ill for a very long time, with a misdiagnosis, it may take much longer. Sadly there is no magic bullet, as many areas need addressing and monitoring. Recovery to good health is not linear, there will be set back as well as progress. This is a normal recovery process.
What is included in the 3-6 month programme?
Every programme is different, as it is tailored to your needs.
- We will discuss and agree the main areas to be focussed upon. Not everything can be addressed at once when recovering from a chronic illness
- Regular consults for the first 3-months
- Recommended supplements during the length of the programme, and relating to the issues agreed upon. If additional issues occur we can discuss how to proceed and any additional cost implications
- Any testing required to support the issues of concern. Tests can help identify what needs to be prioritised