I've spoken before about Statins and how they are being prescribed very frequently these days. They are vital in some cases but as with all medications they can cause imbalances and trigger chain reactions within your body. How do Statins work? Statins are prescribed...
Understanding Your Metabolic Health: Key Numbers You Need to Know
‘There is no passion to be found in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living’ Nelson Mandela These words resonate deeply when it comes to our health. Yet so many people settle for less. For lower quality of life, accepting fatigue, brain...
There are 1 million people in the UK walking around with undiagnosed Type 2 diabetes
While this is a shocking headline, to some extent it didn't surprise me. Type 2 diabetes often operates incognito. Not everyone presents with those hallmark symptoms of frequent peeing and excessive thirst. You're unlikely to wake up one day and think "Oh my, my...